Below you can find a number of my marketing project deliverables and a brief overview of each project. I thoroughly enjoyed working on each of these projects and feel that I am a stronger writer, designer, and team member because of them.
Marketing 650: Consumer Behavior
This graduate course, taught by Dr. Chriaag Mittal, was one of the most interesting courses I have taken at Mays Business School. It was during this semester that I discovered my passion for Consumer Behavior and the Psychology of Marketing. My team and I studied the impact of visual rating displays on purchasing behavior. Our research consisted of interviews, in-depth observations, and a pair of surveys. After some statistical analysis, we reach a number of interesting conclusions. First, consumers prefer a product that has more reviews over a product with a higher average rating. However, this leads us to our second finding that if a low rated product has a large number of reviews this solidifies the poor rating to shoppers. In this instance, they are willing to choose a slightly higher rated product with much fewer reviews and take the risk in doing so. Lastly, when presented with a rating distribution and the review count, consumers will select the product with the most reviews. However, when presented with the same distribution without the review count, consumers choose the most top heavy distribution. This finding suggests rating distributions are evaluated secondarily to the number of reviews given. Read our final report found on the left.
Marketing 430: Marketing Consulting
Through this course, I was afforded the opportunity to obtain real consulting experience. Our lectures featured speakers from various industries, representatives from a variety of firms, and content regarding current market trends and analysis. Our mission was "to identify, highlight and articulate the current awareness and perception of robots in the healthcare industry from the perspective of manufacturers, healthcare professionals, and the patients themselves." My team and I conducted 2 interviews, distributed multiple surveys and organized a focus group in order to obtain a representative sample. Once we completed our research and data collection, we began to analyze our
findings and extrapolate meaning. Through this project, I was able to
further develop my ability to lead in a team setting, improve my critical
thinking skills, and exercise my graphic design capabilities.
Learn more about my research and findings by reviewing our final
deliverable on the left and powerpoint presentation on the right!

As one of our in-class assignments, I conducted an analysis of the Dunkin Donuts brand in India and its failed attempt to successfully enter the market. After watching THIS video on youtube, I was able to get a good grasp of the industry, market, and problem at hand. In India in particular, Dunkin' was challenged when it came to balancing the core product with regional menu items that cater to local tastes. In essence, they were failing to give Indian consumers what they were looking for. I identified three main reasons for resistance, listed below, and subsequently provided a few suggestions for the future.
1. The people of India are not interested in a grab & go breakfast. This culture prefers a sit-down meal with traditional foods.
2. Indians prefer their local cuisine and are not as interested in sweet, high caloric food items, especially in the wake of the health-conscious era.
3. Teas and juices are typically preferred to coffee in the Indian culture.
In the deliverable to the left, you can read more about my thought process and perspective.
Marketing 402: International Marketing
For 28 days during the summer of 2019, I had the incredible opportunity to study abroad in Europe with 79 other Texas A&M students under the direction of 4 of the most selfless people that I know. Our journey began in London, England and ended in Lucerne, Switzerland. In between, we visited Paris, Nice, Avignon, Verona, Venice, Innsbruck, Munich, and Salzburg. Along the way, we visited businesses, corporations, and historical landmarks such as Johnson & Johnson, BMW, and Pont du Gard. I had the chance to learn about business practices, advertising, marketing, and branding on an international level from industry leaders and professionals. I feel that I am better equipped to enter the business world because of this experience. My horizons have been broadened and my perspective has shifted tremendously!
In the document to the left, you can read more about my European adventure and the people I got to share it with. I journaled every day that I was abroad, and I jotted down the various cultural differences that I identified. Additionally, I interviewed residents in a few of the countries we visited which you can also read more about. Finally, I have included my official report on Innsbruck, Austria, the Capital of the Alps!
Marketing 347: Advertising and Creative Marketing
After learning about advertising and integrated marketing communications, segmentation and targeting, development of multi-media campaigns and the various media channels, my team and I began to dive deep into a 10-week long assessment of Applebee's Neighborhood Bar & Grill. My team and I began our research by analyzing the industry as a whole, followed by an in-depth study of Applebee's itself and the identification of our target market. Once complete, we conducted a survey and a series of interviews in an effort to determine a few key research insights that would ultimately drive the remainder of our work. Finally, we crafted "Weekdays Made Fun" and pitched our big idea to our peers and professor.
Over the course of this project, I was able to develop with sincere intentionality my critical thinking, communication, and design skills. I was challenged by the content, as I did not have any prior experience in media campaign development, and though my team and I worked well together, I discovered the art and importance of fine tuning my communication skills in order to ensure that my message resonates with its intended recipient.
Click on the pdf to the left to view our final deliverable!
Marketing 323: Marketing Research
In this course structured around research best practices, my team and I applied our knowledge of research objective generation, survey design, data collection, and excel data analysis to solve a number of business problems for local College Station restaurant, Koppe Bridge. Through our research, we looked at the unique value proposition of the business, media platforms used and their effectiveness in reaching college students, the benefits of advertising on local country radio stations, and the current level of awareness of the establishment among the college student cohort. We collected data via surveys, a focus group, and individual interviews. After an in-depth analysis, we were able to reach address each of our research objectives and draft a series of suggestions for the business.
To learn more about my project, feel free to view my final presentation by clicking on the image to the left.