Personal Brand

I want to be known as a creative,
organized and dependable team member that is driven by innovation and success and continually seeks to help others.
My peers say I am an intelligent, organized and creative individual that thrives in a team setting. Often referred to as the leader or project manager, I pride myself in being honest, dependable and ambitious, never settling for anything less than the best of my peers or myself. I believe that I am an asset to those around me given my strong sense of adaptability and natural communication skills. Recognizing the value of intentional relationships, I seek to invest in those around me on a personal level in an effort to soak up as much of their knowledge as possible. Read more...
Myers Briggs
Introversion, Intuition, Thinking, Judgement
Gaining energy by "me time" and smaller group settings, I prefer to think abstractly and look for the big picture as opposed to obsessing over the fine details. I am naturally inclined to base my thinking and decision making on logic and objective standards rather than feelings or emotion. My preference for judgement indicates that I live my life in a rather systematic fashion, prioritizing plans and structure. My MBTI type has strong implications and a heavy influence on the way in which I approach and build relationships.
Achiever, Relator, Belief, Input, Intellection
Driven by goal attainment and checking things off of my list, I deliberate heavily on my decisions by evaluating each piece of input and considering my personal beliefs. I seek to build intentional relationships and attempt to always communicate with others in a manner than resonates with them by using relational language and various techniques. I seriously value my education and intellection, attempting to utilize both whenever possible. Learn more about my talent themes in my StrengthsFinder blog post found under the Reflective Learning tab.
Holland Code
Artistic, Social, Enterprising
My Holland Code results indicate that I enjoy creative activities; value and prioritize helping and/or teaching others; and have a knack for leading and persuading people. I would describe myself as ambitious, friendly, and independent, all of which coincide with these results. I found this personality type test particularly interesting and valuable, as I can vividly see how these attributes relate to my chosen field, future career, and daily life. The field of marketing allows me to practice all three of these characteristics with intentionality in a way that few other professions do.