Development Plan
Where do I see myself in 5 years?
My goals and how I plan to reach them.
Generally speaking, my long-term, lifelong goals focus primarily on aligning my personal brand with my philosophy statement in an effort to better the world around me and make a lasting impact. I want both visions to become an integral part of my life that I continue to further develop with intentionality through both action and reflection. Each day, I want to make a conscious effort to further define the legacy I intend to leave behind, influencing as many people as I can along the way.
I have five goals that I hope to achieve in the next five years- some personal and some professional. A brief synopsis of each goal may be found to the right, but a more in-depth discussion and explanation of both the outcome and process goals may be found below. ​
Graduate and get a job.
Make time to write. Journal daily and begin writing a book.
Become a CASA.
Personal and professional development.
Spend more time with my family.
Graduate and get a job. By May of 2021, I will have completed both my undergraduate and graduate curriculum, earning a BA and MS in marketing. I hope that by the time I walk across the stage and turn my Aggie ring around, I will have secured a full time position that allows me to use the knowledge that I obtained while at Texas A&M. Though I do not have a "dream job" in mind, I wish to work for a company that has values that align with my own, an environment that is uplifting and collaborative, and other individuals that encourage me to continually develop both personally and professionally. My passion for the field of marketing runs deep and because the industry incapsulates many things, I am confident that I will find my niche and an environment in which I can thrive. As I continue to prioritize my education and make the most of the opportunities that become available, I intend to research companies that I am interested in, learn more about the positions available, and make an effort to distinguish myself from others that will be entering the job market with me. I believe that continuous investment and activity on my LinkedIn account will make me accessible to potential employers and recruiters.
Make writing a habit. Ever since I was a child, I have enjoyed putting my thoughts down on paper. Writing, over the years, became a way for me to express myself through intentional reflection. Though not a natural born storyteller, I enjoy crafting the lives of fictional characters and determining their fate, just as my favorite novelists do. On the other hand, I also enjoy taking an outside perspective of my own life and jotting down my daily activities, even those that seem mundane. However, the craziness of life frequently gets in the way, and I often catch myself making up excuses as to why I can't write. I intend to begin and maintain a daily journal highlighting what I am grateful for, highlights of my day, noteworthy introductions, etc. I recently invested in an adorable, customizable notebook that makes this process simpler - I simply fill in the blanks as opposed to writing everything from scratch. I believe this will hold me accountable, making the formation of this habit much simpler. Additionally, "write a book" is on my bucket list and there is no time like the now to start! I hope to begin the brainstorming and planning process sooner rather than later. Once I nail down the idea that I intend to run with, I hope to make myself a manageable schedule that encourages slow progress.
Become a CASA. Coming into college, I intended to major in business management on the pre-law track, attend law school, and become a family lawyer. Upon further research and self discovery, I came to the conclusion that was not truly my dream, but rather an idea someone else put in my head and convinced me was a good idea. However, at the beginning of my freshman year, I joined Kappa Alpha Theta, a women's fraternity, and was introduced to CASA - Court Appointed Special Advocates. This national organization, and the philanthropy that I have come to absolutely adore, advocates for children that come from broken homes and have suffered from the unimaginable. As an unbiased individual that has nothing but the child's best interest in mind, CASAs have the ability to truly change a life by accompanying a child through his or her court journey. In order to be eligible to become a CASA, a person must be at least 21 years of age, capable of completing an extensive training protocol, and willing to commit to at least one year of selfless service. When I become of age and meet all of the qualifications, I intend to become certified and continue my involvement with this impactful organization. Having seen the tangible impact that I CASA can have on a child is truly heartwarming and beyond inspirational.
Personal and professional development. I truly value and prioritize growth - both personally and professionally. My hope as that after graduation and over the course of the next five years, I will be able to continually seek developmental opportunities through my friends, family, peers, and future employer. Though Texas A&M, Mays Business School and the plethora of extra curricular organizations that I have been involved in have provided me with a number of opportunities for growth, I do not want to remain paralyzed in the state which I am in today - I want to continue to evolve, nurture my path to self discovery, become a better team member, stronger problem solver, and more well rounded individual. Learning is a lifelong commitment, and knowledge is powerful. Given my affinity to reading self help books, I recently invested in a number of them that I believe will put me on the right track, allowing me to go at my own pace and consult outside resources when necessary.
Spend more time with my family. Because family always has been and always will be my top priority, I seek to block out time solely dedicated to being with them. The older I get, though, the more difficult it is to come by this uninterrupted, device free, anti stress time. With aging grandparents and young cousins growing up quickly, I often find myself wishing that time would simply slow down. I realize that both generations, and all of those in between, have valuable insights, perspectives, stories, etc. that will only live on if we share them. Despite not knowing where my job will be post-graduation, I vow to myself to spend at least one weekend per month with those I love most. As I look back over the last few years, I realize it's the memories and moments that I shared with my family that I remember most - not the nights I spent at home streaming netflix or days I dedicated to studying. Life is precious and we have to make the most of it while we can. (Who decided it was acceptable to stop saying YOLO?)

Where I am
Over the course of my college career, I believe that I have gotten to truly know and love myself. I am more aware than ever of my strengths and weaknesses, areas in need of improvement, and what I want for myself in the future. With that being said, I still have not pinpointed my "dream job". I trust that, through my faith, I will end up where I am supposed to be, doing what I am supposed to be doing. In the mean time, I plan to continue trying new things in an effort to identify more of my natural passions. I have developed a number of strong friendships during my tenure here in College Station that I am confident will last for the duration of my life. Wherever life takes me next, I hope to be able to build even more relationships with individuals who will love, care for, and inspire me throughout all the days of my life.
What I need
Generally speaking, I need accountability from my friends, family and peers to keep me on the right track and encourage me to continue to pursue my goals, no matter how outlandish they may sound. With that, I trust will come love, honesty, advice, and inspiration. I am continually in need of new knowledge and, in my opinion, the best way to obtain it is through hands-on, experiential learning. In order to reach my goals and put myself on the trajectory that I have in mind, I need more high impact experiences that expose me to new people, places, and ideas. I have come to realize that these opportunities don't always exist, and that sometimes, it's necessary to take the initiative to create them.