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Creating Opportunities

A willingness to create opportunities for personal and professional growth when they don't already exist- taking control of one's future. 

Though sometimes opportunities fall into our laps, we can't live life expecting everything to come to us- sometimes we have to meet our opportunities half way. It isn't uncommon to be in a stagnant place.  I have experienced this first hand, and it can be rather discouraging. However, this is no excuse to stop growing, learning, and exploring because adventures and opportunities are out there. We just have to create them. 


More often than not, the first step towards finding or creating opportunity is simply exploring your options. Consider what you are looking for in an experience, in what ways you need to grow, and how you wish to bridge that gap.  Thinking about the skills you currently possess, resources you have access to, people you know, etc. is a great place to start. Use your connections and networking abilities to your advantage. Once you have an idea of what you are looking for in a new opportunity, communicating your interest to the right person is often half the battle. Pleading your case and selling yourself provides you with invaluable experience and serves as a unique time for growth, regardless of the outcome of the encounter. 


Often times, I find myself using the lack of opportunities around me as an excuse.  However, I am working towards overcoming this barrier and making it a habit to make something out of nothing. 


In the business world, finding new opportunities can look like many different things, ranging from a promotion, to new marketing, to an updated product that provides a larger profit margin. Regardless, the ability to capitalize on each and every opportunity placed in front of you or your business is beyond valuable.  The more prone your business is to finding and creating new avenues for growth, the more likely you are to experience economic and social benefits. Leading the industry is almost always better than following others in the industry. Don't wait for someone else to make the discovery that your team could have made ages ago. â€‹

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