Employing and exercising a strong moral compass, always practicing ethical decision making, regardless of the economical implications.
Though easier said than done, as with everything, I believe the ethical mindset is the easiest to employ, as for most of us, it is the lens which we first developed. From a young age, we are taught that the difference between right and wrong is black and white. But as we grow up, we come to realize that the line is often blurred and there is more gray than anything. In this day and age, many people tend to conclude that anything in the gray area is left up to their interpretation, making the ethical mindset even more valuable. Though there is no fool proof method when it comes to wearing an ethical lens, I believe the closest thing we can do is always consider the other side of the table - how might others be impacted, how would they respond, how would you feel if you were them?
Important questions to ask yourself when in a tempting or unethical situation:
Would I be okay with my decision/words/actions being displayed on the front page of the newspaper?
Have I thought about existing alternatives?
What are the short and long term implications of this decision?
Whose best interest do I have in mind?