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Taking initiative to set the example for those around with confidence and poise. A willingness to help others and increase buy in. 

Leading others with grace and poise is much easier said than done. It takes skill, practice, and guidance to become a successful leader in life and in business.  


Through my experience as a dancer and member of my high school's drill team, I learned that, sometimes, the best way to learn how to become a leader is to be led by a follower. The lack of understanding and organization formed a barrier and stunted our team's development. Being stuck in this dilemma was stressful and mentally deteriorating, but I learned how to respond to my peers, adapt to my surroundings, and prohibit my situation from defining me.


In retrospect, I realize that the lessons I learned in the midst of that hardship resulted in the most personal development. I now possess the ability to spot well-developed leadership skills, take direction from both qualified and unqualified individuals, and relate to others in similar situations. 


The business world is full of leaders.  Some simply have title on their business card, while others have priceless experiences and years of guidance under their belt.  Regardless, these individuals have a sense of authority and must be respected. With that being said, the degree to which they are respected is often a direct correlation to their ability to lead those around them effectively. The best leaders that I have encountered emphasize the importance of self-development, reflection, and stepping outside of one's comfort zone. 


Those who find themselves in a leadership position have a unique opportunity to unite those they are working with. The purpose of a leader is to promote camaraderie and set the team's eyes on a common goal. It is always important to remember your purpose and motivation when leading others, as they will follow the example you set.

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